Factory reset did the trick!!
Thanks for the reply! Do you work for Sonicwall? My question still stands.
How's it working for you?
Your only other option, keeping the unmanaged switches would be to use a 2nd interface on the Sonicwall, but you'd have to use separate switches.
Disabling Virtual Office Portal worked on my Gen6's
If you don't purchase through the secure upgrade program you can still transfer by contacting customer service.
Yes I understand your point. The question that still stands is how to write a single set of instructions for all firewalls. As I understand it, that is not the API.
@MustafaA Can you tell me why I would use the API over CLI? Does the API provide management commands that are not found in CLI management? I was expecting you to say CLI because the same commands work on 6/7. Thanks for your feedback! I appreciate you.
You should try to put the ISP router in pass through or bridge mode so the public IP address is directly attached to the sonicwall instead of having to deal with port forwarding on the ISP router.